منتديات فضفضة مع ؟؟؟؟ (fadfadam3a)
أخي الزائر / اختي الزائرة مرحبا بكم في واحتكم فضفضة مع ،
تستطيع متابعة أهم وأحدث الأخبار من خلال متابعة شريط الاخبار باعلي الصفحة
تستطيع المساهمة باقتراحاتك حتي لو لم تسجل معنا .
هدفنا تقديم مواضيع قيمة محترمة ومفيدة للجميع ، أملنا لم الشمل العربي وتوطيد مشاعرالحب بين العرب ، نتمني ان نال رضاكم ونأمل مشاركتكم
منتديات فضفضة مع ؟؟؟؟ (fadfadam3a)
أخي الزائر / اختي الزائرة مرحبا بكم في واحتكم فضفضة مع ،
تستطيع متابعة أهم وأحدث الأخبار من خلال متابعة شريط الاخبار باعلي الصفحة
تستطيع المساهمة باقتراحاتك حتي لو لم تسجل معنا .
هدفنا تقديم مواضيع قيمة محترمة ومفيدة للجميع ، أملنا لم الشمل العربي وتوطيد مشاعرالحب بين العرب ، نتمني ان نال رضاكم ونأمل مشاركتكم
منتديات فضفضة مع ؟؟؟؟ (fadfadam3a)
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات فضفضة مع ؟؟؟؟ (fadfadam3a)

فضفضة منتدي لكل من يريد ان يشارك ويبادل افكار وثقاقات, وابداعات ...لو حاسس بملل أوعايز تفضفض مع حد غيرك شاركنا ،،،،، ( hi all, thanks for join us to sharing our thoughts , advises, and calture )
الرئيسيةالبوابة  PORTALالتسجيلدخول
سياسة واقتصاد *السيسى والليثى وعمرو أديب على رأس أهم عشر شخصيات فى الإنجازات المصرية*يمنيون يترقبون نتائج "مؤتمر الأصدقاء"*الغوطة الشرقية تقاوم "الكيمياوي" بالأعراس*كيري ولافروف يبحثان قرارا أمميا بشأن سوريا *البحرين تسجن شابا أميركيا 10 سنوات *اتحاد الشغل بتونس يقاضي محرضين على قتل زعيمه*ارتفاع حصيلة الزلزال في باكستان الى 173 قتيلا*فصائل سورية ترفض الائتلاف الوطني* ثقافة وفن *المثقفون المعتصمون بالثقافة ينظمون مسيرة كبرى من الوزارة للأوبرا ثم التحرير.. وقوة منهم لحماية الاعتصام *وزير الآثار: واثقون في حرص شباب مصر على تأمين وحماية المزارات الأثرية*مركز بحوث تابع للأزهر يفوز بجائزة الأمم المتحدة للسكان لعام 2013 *وزارة الثقافة تطبع كتاب "إحياء علوم الدين" للإمام الغزالي استعداداً لشهر رمضان"**** رياضة * نيمار: سعيد بأول أهدافي في الليجا رغم أنه لم يكن جيدا* إقالة فاتح تريم من تدريب جالطة سراي *عبد الحفيظ: تكرار سيناريو 2008 مع القطن غير مؤكد*استراليا تهزم لبنان وتحرز لقب بطولة قطر للطائرة * الملاكم البريطاني هاي يحدد موعدا جديدا للنزال مع مواطنه فيوري *المصارعة تعود بشكل رسمي للبرنامج الأوليمبي في 2020 2024ط



اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


انثى الابراج : العقرب
العمر : 46
عدد المساهمات : 312
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/03/2010
نقاط : 5602
الثعبان الموقع : فضفضة مع

A,B,C Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: A,B,C   A,B,C Emptyالثلاثاء يوليو 13, 2010 11:53 am

I am
He is
She is
it is
You are
They are
We are

Put ( am – is – are ) :
1. The shop ………………. Open.
2. I …………… six years old.
3. I ……………. A pupil.
4. Nader ………….. an English teacher .
5. We ………….. in primary three .
6. Tamer and Hany ……….. good friends .
7. Elephants …………… big animals.
8. The baby ……………….. crying now .
9. We ……….. at school now .
10. My mother ……….. in the kitchen now .
11. My father ……….. at work now .
12. Mr. Salim ……… a policeman .
13. You ……………… a good boy .
14. The cats …………….. in the box .
15. The books ………………. In the bag.
16. Grandpa …………… very tall.
17. I have a cat it ……………….. black.
18. Your dog ……………… brown.
19. How old …………….. you?
20. How old …………… your sister?
21. This ……. my pencil.
22. You ………….. a man.
23. Ahmed and I ……………… friends.
24. They ………………… dancing.
25. It …………….. seven o’clock.
26. What ……………. The time now?
27. Five men ………….. playing music.
28. The boys ………………… clapping.
29. Mother …………… making a cake.
30. Hany ……………….. a bus driver .
31. We …………. Swimming in the pool.
32. I ……………. Mr. Nasser. I …………… a teacher.
33. Huda ………….. from Banha.
34. He ………………… from Alexandria.

• I am a pupil. I am not a teacher.
• Mona is short. She is not tall.
• This is a plane. It is not a bird.
• These are apples. They are not oranges.
• Make the following sentences negative :
1. I am late today.
…I am not late today………………………………
2. The baby is in the bed.
3. The window is open.
4. The car is big.
5. The bus is blue.
6. We are in the classroom.
7. The children are sitting.
8. An elephant is a big animal.
9. My socks are dirty.
10. The birds are in the tree.
11. It is hot in winter.

12. I am a doctor.
13. The ox is in the box.
14. My shoes are brown.
15. Chocolate is salty.
16. Crocodiles are nice animals.
17. I am afraid of dogs.
18. Mona is my friend.
19. My sister is old.
20. My eyes are green.
21. The flowers are red.
22. Your handwriting is good.

• He is a teacher. Is he a teacher?
• I am a pupil. Are you a pupil?

 Change the following sentences into questions :
1. The shops are open .
…Are the shops open? ………………………
2. It is hot in Aswan .

3. I am thirsty.

4. This sentence is correct.
5. Your answer is wrong.

6. Your hands are clean.
7. The clock is on the wall.
8. The pens are on the table.
9. The shoes are under the chair.
10. Miss Naglaa is a good teacher.
11. I am late.
12. I am eight years old.
13. The cat is under the chair.

We have
They He
She has

• Put in ( have – has ) :
1. I ……………… got a blue pencil .
2. Mother …………… got fair hair .
3. Father …………….. got a car .
4. We …………….. got a lovely doll .
5. The boys …………….. got a big room .
6. I …………….. got many friends .
7. I ………………. got a new school bag.
8. An elephant ……………. Got a long nose.
9. Monkeys ……………… got long tails .
10. We …………….. got a big garden .
11. We ……………. Got lovely flowers in the garden .
12. The baby ……….. got one tooth .
13. The rabbit …………….. got a short tail .
14. The old man …………….. got one leg .
15. Grandma ……………. Got gray hair .

• Put in ( haven’t got – hasn’t got )
1. Maged …………….. much money .
2. Tamer ………………. any friends .
3. The children …………… any sandwiches .
4. We ………………. any homework .
5. I …………………. any pencils in my bag .
6. They …………….. any chairs in their room .
7. My father …………….. a car .
8. Dalai ……………. a school bag .
9. We …………….. a garden in our house .
10. Manal ……………… a white dress .
11. Khalid ……………. a black car .
12. I ………….. a green shirt .
13. We ……………….. a brown cat .

We have got pencils . have we got pencils ?
• Change the following sentences into questions :
1- We have got a brown cat .
2- Nadia has got glasses .
3- Hatem has got a red pen .
4- They have got a black dog .
5- The children has got a football .
6- I have got English books .
7- A tiger has got a long tail .
8- A bird has got wings .

• An elephant is a big animal .
 Elephants are big animals .
• A horse has four legs .
 Horses have four legs .
• The teacher wears glasses .
 The teachers wear glasses .
A. Make these sentences plural :
1. A crocodile is not a bird .
2. A clown is a funny man .
3. She is a good teacher .
4. An apple is red .
5. There is a pen on the table .
6. That is a good boy .
7. A rabbit has got a short tail .
8. This is a nice camera .
9. He lives near the sea .
10. This word is wrong .
11. He flies his kite in the park .
12. The baby drinks milk everyday .
13. A camel has got long legs .
14. The dog runs after the cat .
B. Make these sentences singular :
1. The classrooms are big .
2. The children are playing in the park .
3. There are birds in the tree .
4. Where are your dolls ?
5. The girls are eating ice cream .
6. The children are drinking tea .
7. The libraries are full of books .
8. Giraffes have long necks .
9. Monkeys have long tails .
10. They are late today .
11. The boys have got blue bikes .
12. Elephants are big animals .

o We use a & an before singular nouns :
a book , an egg , a desk , an apple
o We use (a) before nouns starting with a consonant :
a pen , a pencil , a table , a bird
o Use (an) before nouns starting with a vowel ( a , e , i , o , u ) :
An apple , an idea , an orange , an umbrella
• Put (a) or (an) :
1. I have …………. Idea .
2. Mona is …………….. clever girl .
3. I want …………….. apple please .
4. Here is ……………. orange .
5. May I have ………….. egg , please ?
6. They live in …………… big house .
7. Tom is ……………. English boy .
8. Hend is …………. Science teacher .
9. Rana is …………… tall girl .
10. I have got …………… big nose .
11. Mona has ……………. yellow doll .
o Pronouns are words which we use instead of nouns .

 The boy is tall . He is not short .
 The cat is under the chair . It is not under the table .
 The boys are running . They are not walking .
• Put in ( he – she – it – we – they - you) instead of the underlined nouns :
1. The door is shut . ……………… is not open .
2. The baby is sitting . …………….. is not standing .
3. Mother is in the bedroom . ……………. Is not in the kitchen .
4. The girls are happy . ……………….. are not sad .
5. Dina and Dalia are tall …………….. are not short .
6. The dog is on the table . …………….. is eating a bone .
7. This is Mr. Hamed . …………….. is my father .
8. I like Dalia . …………….. play together .
9. This is my grandfather . ……………….. is an old man .
10. How are you , Haytham ? ………..are late .
11. An elephant is a big animal . ……………. Is in the zoo .

Key words:

• I always watch TV in the evening .
• A banana is never red .
• A hippo never dances .
• An egret is never blue.
• Rana sometimes plays the piano .
• Dina brushes her hair everyday .
• We live in Mansoura .
• Hend always cleans her room.
A. Add (s) or (es) to the verbs :
1. I walk to school .
Heba ………….. to school .
2. I watch television everyday .
Asmaa ……….. television everyday .
3. I play football .
Sameh ……………. Football .
4. I live in Mansoura .
Maha …………… in Mansoura .
5. I wash my face in the morning .
Samira ………………. her face in the morning .
6. I teach English .
Mr. Mohamed ……………… English .
7. We write out lessons everyday .
Hany ……………. His lessons everyday .
8. The children sins the a , b , c song .
Tamer …………. The a , b , c song .
B. Choose the right verb :
1. Hoda usually ( do – does ) her homework in the evening .
2. I ( wash – washes ) my face everyday .
3. Magda ( walk – walks ) to school everyday .
4. Jihan ( go – goes ) to school by bike .
5. Riham ( watch – watches ) TV everyday .
6. They ( eat – eats ) a lot of sweets .
7. I often ( study – studies ) my lessons .
8. A cat often ( drink – drinks ) milk everyday .
9. Children usually ( sleep – sleeps ) long hours .
10. I always ( listen – listens ) to the radio .
11. A donkey never ( fly – flies )
12. We always ( do – does ) our homework at school .
13. My father usually ( wash – washes ) the car every Friday .
o To form the negative we use ( don’t – doesn’t ) before the verb :

Exercises :
• Make the following sentences negative :
1. I write with a pen .
2. Hoda runs to school .
3. Mervat eats bones .
4. I come to school by bus .
5. I drive a big car .
6. Radwa sleeps in the classroom .
7. The children carry heavy bags .
8. My mother cooks nice food .
9. I have many sisters .
10. Animals speak English .
11. A lion eats grass .
12. Boys wear skirts .

• Put ( Do – Does ) in the following :
1. ………………… you like cats ?
2. ……………….. you like ice cream ?
3. …………….. Sam like music ?
4. …………….. the pupils play football in their classroom ?
5. …………….. Hala like science ?
6. …………….. Rana have a doll ?
7. ……………… you wear glasses ?
8. ………………. Your teachers like you ?
9. ………………. Rasha help her mother ?
10. ………………. You wash your face in the morning ?
11. ……………….. tourists like Egyptian food ?
12. …………………. You live near a river ?
13. Where …………… your sister sleep ?
14. What time …………… you get up ?
15. What time ……………. She do her homework ?
16. What time …………….. Hala go to school ?
17. ……………… Ahmed and Samy clean their shoes in the morning ?
18. ……………. Elephants eat meat ?
19. ………….Dalia speak English in class ?
20. …………. Your brother have a kite ?
21. …………. Sally comb her hair everyday ?
• Make the following questions :
Example :
Reham goes to school by bus .
Does Reham go to school by bus ? ( after does no “es “)
1. Marwa walks to school .
2. Mother works in a shop .
3. The children play in the playground .
4. Babies drink milk .
5. A driver drives a car .
6. Nagy and Samy live in big house .
7. The teacher wears glasses .
8. Babies sleep too much .
9. A bird sleep in a tree .
10. You learn English at school .
11. Snakes live in the desert .

• Correct the verbs in brackets ( present continuous ) :
1. Father ………………… ( drive ) his car .
2. Mother ……………… ( cook ) our dinner .
3. Hisham ……………… ( ride ) his bike .
4. The children …………… ( do) their homework .
5. I ………………… ( write ) the new words .
6. Haytham………………( watch) TV .
7. Magda ……………….. (eat) a sandwich .
8. Mohamed …………………( drink ) his milk .
9. Father and mother ……………. (sit ) in the garden .
10. They …………….. ( run ) to school .
11. My friends ………………. ( come ) to my birthday .
12. The teacher ………………….. (give ) us some homework .
13. The men ……………… (work ) hard .
14. The baby ……………. ( sleep ) .
15. I …………… ( shut ) the window .
16. The bird ………………. ( fly ) in the sky .
17. Maged ……………… ( brush) his teeth .
18. The cat ……………… ( run ) after the mouse .
19. They …………………. ( run ) to school .
20. The teacher …………… ( give ) us some homework .
21. The boy …………………… (read ) the lesson .
• Change the following sentences into negative :
1. The children are making noise .
2. Ali is swimming in the river .
3. The bird is flying in the sky .
4. The men are working hard .
5. The teacher is writing on the blackboard .
6. The girl is sitting next to the window .
7. We are playing football .
8. I am writing the lesson .
9. I am feeding the baby .
10. Enas is playing with her brother .
11. Mother is eating the sandwich .

• Make the following sentences questions :
1. The man is digging the garden .
2. The teacher is writing on the blackboard .
3. The children are shouting in the classroom .

4. Father and mother sitting in the sitting room .
5. The bird is flying in the sky .
6. The children are copying the new words .
7. I am eating bananas .
8. Aya is eating peaches.

• Complete the questions and answers :
1. ………….. it raining outside ?
2. Yes , it ………..
3. ………… the children playing ?
4. No , they …………………
5. …………… you doing your homework now ?
6. Yes, I …………………….
7. …………… I hurting you?
8. No, you ……………
9. ……………. she waving to us?
10. ……………. you looking at the boat?
11. ………. I speaking clearly?
12. What ……………. she doing?
13. Where ……………. they staying?
14. ……… it snowing?
15. Why ………… he running so fast?
16. Why …………. she laughing?

We use “( be ) going to “ to express plans in the future .
• Use the verbs below to complete the sentences :

In the holiday_________
1. I am going to ……………… in bed all day.
2. They are going to …………… lots of books.
3. I am going to ……………… in the sun.
4. We are going to …………….. football.
5. I am going to …………….. English.
6. Heba is going to ………….. in the sea .
What are you going to do ?

Complete the sentences using was or were :
1. He ………… very tired yesterday.
2. They …………… not very happy together.
3. You …………… very angry with me last night.
4. They ……………. In Aswan last night.
5. I ………….. in bed all morning .
6. She …………… a beautiful baby.
7. It …………….. very windy yesterday .
8. Ahmed and Sara ……………. At the beach in the holiday.
9. ………….. the weather nice yesterday ?
10. Where ……………. Sam and Suzy last Monday?
11. Where ……………… the children last week?
12. Why …………… Samy angry yesterday?

We use the past simple tense to express events that happened and ended in the past.
1) Regular verbs :
The past simple tense is formed by adding (ed) to the end of the verb in the regular verbs.
Subject Infinitive + ed

• Complete these sentences in the past simple :
1. I …………. at home. ( stay )
2. She …………. all night. ( cry )
3. It …………….. everyday last week . ( rain )
4. He ……………. her very much. (love )
5. The shop ………….. at five o’clock . ( close )
6. My friends …………. to stay all week in Gamasa.
7. He ………… in Mansoura three years ago. ( live )
8. I ……………….. my homework last night . ( finish )
9. We ……………. some new vocabulary yesterday. ( learn )
10. I ……………. for the bus yesterday. ( wait )
11. The bus …………….. at eight o’clock . ( arrive )
12. The …………. at home and ……………. TV yesterday. ( stayed) (watch )

2) Irregular verbs :
There are some irregular verbs.
bring brought
get up
Change the following passage into the past :

Yesterday Menna ………………………………………………………………


did not
didn’t leave.


He / she/ it
We / you / they


• Change the following into the past :
Do they play? Did they live here?
They don’t drive. They didn’t live here.
1. When do they go? ……………………………………………………
2. Where do they go? ………………………………………………….
3. Do understand? ...................................................
4. I don’t know. ………………………………………………..
5. He doesn’t like it. …………………………………………
6. What do you think? ………………………………………………
7. She doesn’t live here. …………………………………………………….
8. How much does it cost? ………………………………………………..
9. When do you get up? ……………………………………………………..
10. I don’t swim. …………………………………………………………..
11. She doesn’t speak French. ……………………………………………….
12. When does he go to school? …………………………………………….
13. I don’t like milk. ………………………………………………………………
14. I don’t like music. ……………………………………………………




Read what Shady says about his life at the moment and his future.

• Are these statements true? correct the wrong sentences :
1. Shady’ll be at the cinema this night. No, he won’t. He will be at home.
2. He will be in his home. True.
3. Tomorrow morning he will be at school. ……………………………………………………
4. Next month he will be in Alexandria. ………………………………………………………….
5. He will go to Alexandria with his friends. ………………………………………………………
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ملاك العرب
ملاك العرب

انثى الابراج : الدلو
العمر : 44
عدد المساهمات : 3117
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/08/2010
نقاط : 9461
الماعز الموقع : الجزائر

A,B,C Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: A,B,C   A,B,C Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 20, 2010 10:17 am

الذى فهمته انها دروس بالانجليزية
الله يعين احنا كملنا العربى حتى نبدا انجليزى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


انثى الابراج : العقرب
العمر : 46
عدد المساهمات : 312
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/03/2010
نقاط : 5602
الثعبان الموقع : فضفضة مع

A,B,C Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: A,B,C   A,B,C Emptyالخميس أغسطس 26, 2010 12:30 am

وحياتك ولا انا كمان فاهمة منه حاجة
بس قلت يمكن حد يفهم ويفهمني معاه
شكرا علي اهتمامك
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ملاك العرب
ملاك العرب

انثى الابراج : الدلو
العمر : 44
عدد المساهمات : 3117
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/08/2010
نقاط : 9461
الماعز الموقع : الجزائر

A,B,C Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: A,B,C   A,B,C Emptyالخميس أغسطس 26, 2010 5:56 pm

كنت فكرة انو ردك هيزعجنى لكن كلنا فى الهوى سوى
مرسى على اعترافك
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتديات فضفضة مع ؟؟؟؟ (fadfadam3a) :: ( welcome home ( forigner department :: teaching arabic & other languages-
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